
The information provided by Car Accident Valuator, including the estimated accident claim values generated by our Auto Injury Compensation Calculator, is intended for general informational purposes only and should not be relied upon for any purposes, including but not limited to, settling any disputes, lawsuits, or accepting or entering into any settlements. These estimates are based on very limited date received from users of the site and are not intended to, and should not be viewed as definitive, dispositive or as professional legal or financial advice. The information provided by this site is dependant on the accuracy of the information provided by the user. Only an attorney can provide such advice, and users should consult an attorney before making any decision regarding their injury or accident claim.

By using this service, users understand and agree that Car Accident Valuator does not guarantee any specific outcome or the actual amount that may be received in a settlement or judgment. Results and estimates vary widely based on the individual circumstances of each case, each person and on factors that have not been provided to Car Accident Valuator and therefore, have not been taken into consideration.

Car Accident Valuator makes no representations, guarantees or warranties of any kind, express or implied, regarding the accuracy, reliability, completeness, or suitability of the estimates or information provided.

In no event will Car Accident Valuator, its owner, affiliates, or partners be liable for any direct, indirect, incidental, special, consequential, or exemplary damages, including but not limited to damages for loss of profits, goodwill, use, data, or other intangible losses, arising out of or in connection with the use of this service.

Users are encouraged to consult with an attorney for personalized legal advice and representation. The use of Car Accident Valuator does not establish any form of a professional-client relationship between the user and Car Accident Valuator or any attorney the user may contact through the service. Car Accident Valuator is not an attorney, and is not providing any legal advice or services.

By using Car Accident Valuator, you agree that you will not rely on the information provided by Car Accident Valuator and that you understand that the infrmatoin provided is for informational purposes only and to provide a general estimate on the potential value of your injury claim based on very limited information you provide. As a result, you understand and agree that the estimate provided to you on the limited and general date you provide can only provide a general estimated range and that it has been provided to you with assumption that you will be contacting an attorney and relying on the legal advice provided by said attorney, and not on the general estimate provided by the website.  In the event you elect to rely solely on the information provided by the website, you do so assuming the risk that you may be settling your claim for less than its true value and waive any claims, liability or damages against Car Accident Valuator and its agent, owners, representatives, attorneys and employees.

Your use of Car Accident Valuator signifies your understanding and agreement to this Disclaimer.

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